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The Different Types of Sump Pumps

With summer comes beautiful weather, flowers, and of course rain; lots and lots of rain.
Unfortunately, all this water has to go somewhere, and most times, it finds its way into your basement and causes a nightmare of flooding.
With the proper sump pump, you can prevent this ordeal from occurring and save yourself thousands of dollars in repairs that come from flood damage.
While it may seem so simple to just go out and buy the first one you see, we recommend taking some time and seeing what each model can offer. Whether you already have a sump pump and it just needs some routine repairs or you’re in the market for a new one, check out our helpful guide.

There are four different types of sump pumps:

● Submersible Sump Pumps
● Pedestal Sump Pumps
● Battery Backup Sump Pumps
● Combination Sump Pumps

While each sump pump essentially does the same job, each of these four has different features that distinctly separate one another. And by learning about all the features and circumstances each pump is built for, you can easily determine the right choice to be installed in your household.

Submersible Sump Pumps

Also a part of the primary sump pump family, submersible sump pumps are different from their pedestal counterparts because they lie fully submerged in water at the bottom of the sump pump basin.
Unlike pedestal pumps, submersible choices have their motor covered and enclosed in a waterproof casing. This allows it to lie at the bottom of the sump pump pit without any worry of water damage.
Submersible options also tend to be the most cost-effective choice. While they are more expensive at the time of purchase, they tend to provide better performance and are known to have a longer lifespan than pedestal pumps.
For submersible sump pumps, their average lifespan is usually around 10 years. Of course, this depends on how much use the pump goes through but you can be sure to get a good amount of life out of it.

Pedestal Sump Pumps

Considered a member of the primary sump pump family, pedestal sump pumps are the common choice found in many homes. And usually, they are the cheapest option available.
The motor is mounted high on a rod to keep it dry while also making it easy for any repairs or work that needs to be done. Their long thin stature makes them perfect for smaller sump pump pits where a traditional submersible sump pump and all its piping won’t fit.
With pedestal pumps, you always run the risk of it overheating. Unlike the other different types of sump pumps that are submerged in water, there’s nothing to cool down the motor when it is being overworked.
This leads to another point; never let the motor get wet. It’s not protected like other types of sump pumps. Any water that gets into the motor has a chance of severely damaging it and causing a malfunction.

Battery Backup Sump Pump

Power outages happen and they can occur at any time during the day. The last thing your home needs is for the power to go out during a heavy rainstorm. Especially, if water is leaking into your basement.
Battery backup sump pumps are perfect to add an extra layer of security just in case your power goes out.
Normally, sump pumps are powered by an electric outlet. Battery backup sump pumps are luckily accompanied by a marine-grade car/boat battery that can continuously pump water for up to 12 hours before needing to be recharged.
During that 12 hours, over 11,000 gallons of water are able to be pumped out. So if your power goes out, you can be sure to take care of any issues with water leaks in your basement.

Combination Sump Pump

Imagine having a flooded basement with water inches above the ground. A sump pump basin engulfed with water and your sump pump working tirelessly to save you thousands of dollars in water damage.
Combination sump pumps provide an extra layer of assurance that makes sure you are covered for any home flood disasters that may occur.
It’s the result of combining a primary pump with a battery backup pump to give you double the amount of power in one.
It is perfect for larger areas or fighting against massive amounts of flooding.


When choosing which of the different types of sump pumps are right for your home, you have to think about all the factors that affect it. Weather, frequent flooding, or power outages should all be taken into consideration when making your decision.
If you experience periodic flooding or weather conditions that result in standing water making its way into your basement, then look into a combination or battery backup sump pump.
The extra power sources provide reliability that your home will thank you for.
On the other hand, if your basement stays relatively dry, then go with a primary sump pump option. A smaller sump pump basin will most likely require a pedestal sump pump. And if you are looking to save some money at the time of purchase, then this might be your best option.
If none of those are issues for your home a submersible option is a great choice. You get an option that over time will save you more money and has a longer lifespan than the others.