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Mining and Metals Central Asia 2023

From 20 to 22 September 2023, the 28th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition and Forum – Mining and Metals Central Asia 2023 was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Mining and Metals Central Asia is the largest and most respected in Kazakhstan and Central Asia international exhibition of mining and metallurgic complex, combining leading manufacturers and specialists and providing technologies and services for mining and processing industry.

Shijiazhuang Longteng Machinery has always been doing the reliable and stable quality of the slurry pumps, and spare parts. We had some wonderful conversations at the exhibition, and enjoyed meeting with industry professionals and sharing our goals and approach to enable sustainable mining. We are so proud of our collaboration with our partners Luckily this time we had the chance to go to the exhibition, and had a very particular experience in this beautiful country. Wish our friendship last forever.

During the visit, we also had the chance to talk with the local mining president, about the current conditions and future development of the mining industry. We all found that our concepts are very consistent and further cooperation is being achieved. We believe that we can help each other in cooperation, support each other, develop together, and achieve great success in future!

Kazakhstan is endowed with abundant mineral resources including coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, extensive coal, gold, and manganese reserves, zinc, lead, copper, aluminum etc.
However, More than half of Kazakhstan’s mining, processing, and smelting enterprises currently use outdated equipment that is often in need of repair.

Therefore, the cooperation on the mining industry field is the key part of the relationship between China and Kazakhstan. With the commercial relations of Kazakhstan companies, we showed our excellent techniques and high-quality slurry pumps and spare parts, which also strengthened the trades between the two countries. With all these interests and investements from various countries and companies, the future of mining in Kazakhstan will develop much more better.